After getting quotation, most customers must wonder if it is the best price; if the makeup brush manufacturer leaves any space for negotiation; if it is cost-effective to order makeup brushes at such price. We can understand customers’ such consideration. All of us want to get the best makeup brushes with the lowest price.
At the very beginning of international business, most Chinese factories and exporters got huge profits through the business with foreign buyers. As the foreigners do not know the situation in China and cannot imagine how low the cost in China. Therefore, many Chinese factories and suppliers sell the goods at very high price although their cost is very low.
Gradually, with the reform and opening-up policy, China is known by more and more foreigners and Chinese goods become popular, more and more people become familiar with China, they get known that Chinese products have very low labor cost, so they realize that they must negotiate with the Chinese factories during business to get better price. And most Chinese factories and suppliers will leave negotiation room at the initial quotation.
While now, our customers have been familiar enough to China, most of them can even calculate our production cost, it becomes unnecessary to leave any negotiation room. Therefore, we always offer the best price at our initial quotation and let customers know it has been the best price, no negotiation. It will greatly save the time of both sides and can push every business move forward quickly.
Therefore, customers no necessary to negotiate after getting our quotation on makeup brushes, we always quote the best price at the very beginning to save time and win customers. Due to the fierce competition, most makeup brush manufacturers will accept orders as long as they can get some profits.
Welcome to custom makeup brush OEM with private label from us. We are professional Chinese makeup brush manufacturer with more than 15 years’ experience in makeup brush production, and will offer high quality makeup brushes, professional service and affordable price to support your brand development.